Vittorio Accornero – Edina Altara

Family group with pictures

Family group with pictures, show curated by Luca Scarlini and dedicated to Vittorio Accornero de Testa (Casale Monferrato, 1896 – Milan, 1982) e Edina Altara (Sassari, 1898 – Lanusei, 1983) wants to bring attention to the work of the two artists and illustrators, investigating the complex biographical and creative events that saw them united starting from their first individual works of the 1920s up to the 1980s Twentieth century.

On this occasion and with the important contribution of a group of set designers active with the Theater of Sardinia – Loïc Hamelin, Sabrina Cuccu and Sergio Mancosu – the MAN transforms into a book of fairy tales, a kaleidoscope of images of twentieth-century elegance. The fairy tale of two artists suspended between Sardinia, mainland Italy and the world is staged. The exhibition is a tale of the fairy tale of Edina and Ninon divided into chapters in the exhibition rooms, between the territories of graphics – as in the case of the images for the transatlantic Rex, and the invention of objects between design and architecture – the mirrors of Edina and the neo-rococo architectural reinterpretations of Accornero in Piedmont.

The exhibition is accompanied by an important catalog published by MAN with Silvana Editoriale and accompanied by critical essays by Luigi Fassi, Luca Scarlini, Pompeo Vagliani, Silvia Mira, Lauretta Colonnelli, Aurora Fiorentini, Giorgia Toso and Federico Spano.

Vittorio Accornero – Edina Altara

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