guided tours january february
Even with the new year, the in-depth sessions for the ongoing exhibitions continue. The guided tours will be led by the museum staff according to the following schedule: Thursday, January 23, at 6:00 PM, guided tour by Alessandro Moni. Tuesday, January 28, 6 pm,...
Screening of the Documentary After the Last Image – Friday, January 10, 6 PM
On January 10, 2025, at 6 PM, MAN will host the screening of the documentary After the Last Image, directed by Alessandra Tocco. The 20-minute film chronicles the key phases of the creative process behind After the Last Image by Luca Spano, curated by Elisabetta...
Program 2025
The MAN is pleased to present its exhibition program for 2025. After a year of research focused on the relationship between humanity and the natural world, in light of the rapid transformations the planet is undergoing in an era of climate and environmental crises,...
Holiday openings
The MAN museum is pleased to announce the schedule for the holiday and New Year's openings. The museum will be closed only on the morning of December 25th; during the other holidays, the museum will be open to the public with continuous hours from 10 AM to 7 PM....
Guided tours december
The Museum announces that, starting in December, free appointments for guided tours of the current exhibitions will resume: El Greco.El Greco. Dialogue Between Two Masterpieces , Christiane Löhr. Una Szeemann. Scenafenomenica , Alessandro Biggio. . Two meetings are...
Giovanni Pintori (1912-1999), pubblicità come arte al m.a.x. museo di Chiasso
mostra a cura di Chiara Gatti e Nicoletta Ossanna Cavadini La mostra Giovanni Pintori (1912-1999), pubblicità come arte si inserisce nel filone dei maestri del“graphic design” e traccerà una sorta di racconto grafico che evidenzia la modernità progettuale e lescelte...
Candidatura Compasso d’oro 2024
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che l’allestimento della mostra Il resto dell’alba, presentata al MAN lo scorso anno, è stato inserito nella short list per il Compasso d’Oro 2024! Questo prestigioso riconoscimento premia il nostro progetto realizzato con Pininfarina...
Presentation of the book in girum imus nocte by Giorgio Andreotta Calò
Wednesday, December 4, 6:00 PM
On December 4, on the feast of Saint Barbara and exactly ten years after the symbolic action at the heart of the project, MAN museum will host the presentation of the book in girum imus nocte by Giorgio Andreotta Calò, published by Humboldt Books. The event will...
Concerti d’Autunno | December 8, at 5:30 PM
The MAN is pleased to host one of the events of Concerti d'Autunno, a concert series organized by the Academia Nugoresa de Bonas Artese. The concert titled La Voce delle Donne will feature Beatrice Melis on the harp and soprano Laura Stella as the main performers.
Convegno ‘Progresso: prospettive tra etica e scienza’ | presso il Centro Culturale Chiasso
sabato 9 novembre 2024, ore 15.00 Cinema Teatro Chiasso (Svizzera) in correlazione con la mostra al m.a.x. museo GIOVANNI PINTORI (1912-1999), pubblicità come arte Progresso, il tema della stagione espositiva e teatrale 2024-2025 del Centro Culturale Chiasso, è un...