Una Szeemann. Scenafenomenica

  curated by Elisabetta Masala with an essay by Juliette Desorgues Magic and mythology, classical traditions and archaic culture merge in the exploration advanced by the Swiss artist, who experiments […]
Allestimento Scenefenomenica_Foto Alessandro Moni


curated by Elisabetta Masala with an essay by Juliette Desorgues

Magic and mythology, classical traditions and archaic culture merge in the exploration advanced by the Swiss artist, who experiments with materials imbued with strong expressive value, giving life to a choral narrative relying on epic nuances.

Divinities of the earth and the night, arcane symbols, the beneficial properties of the plants and an ancient wisdom engulf Una Szeemann’s works with mystery and primordial memories, as the wild sentiment of the woods takes shape through highly suggestive abstract forms.

The project designed for the MAN is tied to the land of Sardinia, its harsh surroundings, the folktale of Janas, and the archaeological remnants in its landscape, where nature seems to fossilise, and blend with the rocks and peaks of Supramonte.


Portrait of artist

Una Szeemann – Courtesy dell’artista

Una Szeemann (Locarno, Switzerland, 1975) lives and works in Zürich and Tegna. She studied drama in Milan. Her works were showcased at several international exhibitions, including Kunsthaus Zürich, Kunsthalle Winterthur, Museo Cantonale d’Arte in Lugano, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Kunstverein Hamburg, Belvedere 21 in Vienna, Venice Art Biennale, Busan Biennale, Lyon Biennale, and Manifesta 11 in Zürich. She lectures at several institutions and universities, including the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) and the Haute École d’Art et de Design in Geneva (HEAD).

Una Szeemann. Scenafenomenica

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