
Site Specific #1

The ZimmerFrei exhibition (Anna de Manincor, Anna Rispoli, Massimo Carozzi) will be inaugurated on 16 March at 6pm, the first project for 2006 in the Site Specific series, with which the MAN museum intends to diversify and enrich its proposals, in the belief that museum spaces must increasingly become places of experimentation and cultural promotion. ZimmerFrei present the works created during their residency which took place last April at the Museum: the short film Why we came, the Shooting Test video series, four photographic prints and the series of shots taken during the location search in Sardinia.

The video projection Why we came was filmed on the beach of Berchida over the course of twenty-four consecutive hours. The objective of the room is the contemplation of time through the incessant transformation of the landscape. Under an ever-moving sky some human figures cross the frame, trying to leave a mark, to affect the landscape. But, regardless of everything, the camera rotates on itself at regular intervals, orienting itself according to the cardinal points and absorbing the changing colors of the sky, sand and water.
The Shooting Test series presents itself as a collection of notes for films to be made but is actually a reflection on cinematographic language and on some topoi such as the western genre, with which to eliminate the barriers between cinematographic fiction and set. Explaining the technical function and the encyclopedic vocation, all the videos in the series open with the photographic indications that guided the shooting.
The pilgrimage of the ZimmerFrei group in search of a natural set that could give rise to a new inspiration is returned in the form of a slideshow, in the splendor of 35 millimeters. Ninety shots for as many ideas to develop.

A group of photographic prints completes the installation. From the selection of shots, taken during the search for locations and during filming, the skeleton of a story emerged.
