Bodies that move freely in the landscape, expressing, through choreographies born from the interaction with the natural elements, sensations, ideas, inner impulses in fluid connection with the surrounding environment. It is the artistic intuition behind the “Bodies in Landscape” workshop, inspired by the theories of the great Hungarian choreographer and father of contemporary dance Rudolf Laban, organized and directed by Dario La Stella and Valentina Solinas of the artistic and cultural association Without Skin Boundaries, active since 2002 nationally and internationally, in collaboration with the Man Museum of Nuoro, with the contribution of the Ministry of Culture, the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, the Sardinia Foundation and with the patronage of the Municipality of Nuoro.
A dance and perception workshop in completely free nature aimed at dancers, performers, or motivated people with an aptitude for body work, who for four days – from Tuesday 17 to Friday 20 October – will have the fascinating natural scenery and source of choreographic inspiration Tanca Manna nuraghe, an imposing single-tower example with a tholos roof built on a rocky spur in the southern part of the town centre.
Performers, dancers and directors, Dario La Stella and Valentina Solinas of Senza Confini Di Pelle have been engaged for years in rigorous and intense research on the stimulation of body perception in relation to the natural context as a tool for choreographic elaboration. Research conducted in different landscape contexts, particularly during the residential Dance and Perception workshops conducted in Stromboli in 2016 and 2017 on the four elements of water, air, fire and earth.
During the workshop “Bodies in Landscape” they will guide the participants through a series of perception exercises, capable of generating physical stimulations which will then translate into free movements and, in a subsequent phase, into choreographic sequences. The outcome of the workshop will be a site-specific dance performance open to the public . (info and registration: , 3470561735, 3384040237).
During the four days of the workshop, a talk by the dancer, choreographer and movement analyst is also scheduled Nunzia Tirelli (“Dance Heritage” Award in 2014) on the life and revolutionary theoretical and choreographic activity of Rudolf Laban, which will focus in particular on aspects such as system of notation and theanalysis of the movement of the human body conceived at the end of the 1920s by the Hungarian choreographer, focusing on two places that were the custodians of his research: Monte Verità in Ascona and the Trinity Laban Center in London. (Friday 20th at 6.30pm – Man –
On the same days (Thursday 19th at 6.30pm – Man – the book”Overlap – Events between Art and Science on Migration and Biodiversity”, first volume of the “Icemura” editorial series, created by Senza Confini Di Pelle and dedicated to multidisciplinary research projects that have the natural environment of Asinara as their fulcrum. The first volume of the Icemura series, and the project from which it arose, investigates the overlap of the migratory routes of men and birds between Africa and Europe, through a working group made up of artists and scientists. The results of the project are shows, performances, art exhibitions, scientific articles, publications.
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by Grazia Brundu