MAN_Museo d'Arte Provincia di Nuoro

Main site sections

Mediation and teaching

MAN's educational department organises guided tours, workshops and special mediation and teaching projects for various levels of museum goers. The methods used encourage the direct involvement of the participants, stimulate the development of critical thinking and creative skills. By applying a multidisciplinary outlook, the museum's displays are conceived so as to provide an opportunity for understanding and a chance to reconsider the history of humanity and the present day through direct contact with the tangible products of its visual culture, taking note of how they have been affected by changes in society and the development of alternative forms of expression. The teaching workshops place modern contemporary art forms at the heart of activities that are designed to stimulate interpretative and analytical abilities along with the improvement of one's manual and construction skills.

Besides the adult courses and the computer training courses, all classes taught at MAN are free of charge.

School workshops

Enthralling museum visits that may vary in both content and presentation method depending on the ages of the target segment. These can then be followed up in hands-on workshops based on the techniques, languages and issues addressed in the exhibitions.

Every morning, from Monday to Friday, subject to advance booking. Afternoon activities may also be arranged on request.

Adult workshops

The innovative and highly specialised workshops, taught by museum personnel or in collaboration with outside experts (artists, photographers, teachers, experts in various fields) on different aspects of contemporary artistic production or on specific production techniques.

Organised in conjunction with the various exhibitions and subject to advance booking.

Guided museum visits open to all

Guided museum visits to the exhibition and the collection, of variable length, held by guides from the reception desk.

Every day except Sundays, from 10 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm.

Conversations with adults, high school, institutions and associations

Open floor discussions between audience and museum staff on issues of various kinds related to the museum displays.

Every weekend subject to advance booking. On request even on other days of the week for schools and groups.

Special projects for institutions and associations

Special projects designed to support prison educators or operators working in mental health clinics. Support projects for the physically and mentally impaired, even in collaboration with third parties.

Times and procedures to be agreed with the various subjects.


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